
Great Wood-rush | Luzula sylvatica

This item is a Preorder for summer 2024 for our new nursery expansion SALE!

Original price was: £2.99.Current price is: £1.99.

343 in stock (can be backordered)

1x plug plant (approx. 2-5cm above ground, 15cm of root structure below ground)

Elevate your garden with the enchanting Great Wood-rush (Luzula sylvatica). This elegant perennial brings lush, green foliage and delicate clusters of flowers, adding a touch of woodland magic to any landscape. Easy to grow and low-maintenance, Great Wood-rush thrives in shaded areas, making it an ideal choice for creating serene woodland gardens. Transform your outdoor space with the grace and charm of this captivating wildflower. Shop now and bring the beauty of woodlands to your doorstep!


Botanical Information: Great Wood-rush

Great Wood-rush (Luzula sylvatica) is a charming perennial wildflower that adds a touch of woodland magic to outdoor spaces. Recognized for its elegant appearance, this plant features lush, green foliage and delicate clusters of flowers. Standing at a height of about 30 to 60 centimetres (12 to 24 inches), it brings a graceful presence to gardens.


Great Wood-rush feels right at home in shaded areas, thriving in the dappled sunlight of woodlands and forest edges. It prefers moist, well-drained soils and is often found near streams or in areas with higher humidity. This wildflower has a special affinity for woodland environments, creating serene and magical landscapes. Its adaptability to shaded conditions makes it a perfect choice for those looking to transform their gardens into peaceful woodland retreats.

In the wild, you may encounter Great Wood-rush carpeting the forest floor, providing a green haven beneath the trees.

Benefits to Wildlife

Great Wood-rush plays a vital role in supporting wildlife, offering shelter and sustenance to various creatures. The dense foliage provides a safe haven for small insects, creating a microhabitat that contributes to biodiversity. Birds may find this wildflower appealing, as it attracts insects and offers potential nesting sites.

While the delicate flowers may not be a primary food source, they contribute to the overall beauty of the ecosystem and may attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, aiding in the pollination of nearby plants.

Conservation Status in the UK

As of the latest assessments, Great Wood-rush is not listed as a species of immediate concern in the United Kingdom. However, recognizing its importance in woodland ecosystems is crucial. Conservation efforts often focus on preserving the health of woodlands and forested areas, understanding that native plants like Great Wood-rush contribute to the overall balance of these environments.

By appreciating and preserving the natural habitats where Great Wood-rush thrives, we indirectly support the well-being of this and other plant species within these ecosystems.

Ease of Growing

Great Wood-rush is a delightful addition to gardens not just for its beauty but also for its ease of cultivation. This perennial wildflower is low-maintenance and adapts well to different garden conditions. It can be grown in shaded areas with moist, well-drained soil. While it appreciates regular watering, it doesn’t demand excessive care.

The ease of growing Great Wood-rush makes it a fantastic choice for gardeners of all levels of experience. Whether you have a green thumb or are just starting your gardening journey, this wildflower adds a touch of elegance without requiring constant attention.

In conclusion, Great Wood-rush (Luzula sylvatica) is a wonderful perennial wildflower that brings the enchantment of woodlands to your garden. With its lush foliage, delicate flowers, and adaptability to shaded environments, it transforms outdoor spaces into serene retreats. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Great Wood-rush contributes to wildlife habitat and embodies the beauty of native plants in the rich tapestry of woodlands. Embrace the charm of this wildflower, and let your garden flourish with the grace and tranquillity of a woodland haven.

More Information


The Wildlife Trusts

Species From the Same Habitat

Cowslip | Primula veris

Red Campion | Silene dioica

Tufted Vetch | Vicia cracca


Additional information

Weight 1 kg


Flowering Months

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Light levels

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Soil moisture

Dry, Normal


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343 in stock (can be backordered)
