
Hedgerow Cranes-bill | Geranium pyrenaicum

This item is a Preorder for summer 2024 for our new nursery expansion SALE!

Original price was: £2.99.Current price is: £1.99.

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1x plug plant (approx. 2-5cm above ground, 15cm of root structure below ground)

Transform your garden with the vibrant beauty of Hedgerow Crane’s-bill (Geranium pyrenaicum). These charming wildflowers boast rich purple blooms, creating a burst of colour in any landscape. With their low-maintenance appeal, they thrive in various conditions, making them an ideal addition to your garden.

Elevate your outdoor space with the elegance of Hedgerow Crane’s-bill. Shop now and let your garden bloom with nature’s grace!


Botanical Information: Hedgerow Cranes-bill

Hedgerow Cranes-bill (Geranium pyrenaicum) is a wonderful wildflower that brings a splash of vibrant purple to gardens and meadows. These dainty flowers are known for their five-petaled bloom and attractive palmate leaves. Standing at about 30 to 60 centimetres (12 to 24 inches) tall, they create a charming display in outdoor spaces.


Hedgerow Cranes-bill feels right at home in a variety of habitats, from meadows to woodlands and even along roadsides. It’s a versatile wildflower that can thrive in both sunny and partially shaded areas. With its adaptable nature, this plant can be found in different environments, adding a pop of colour to diverse landscapes.

In the wild, you might encounter Hedgerow Cranes-bill peeking out from hedges and dancing in the breeze.

Benefits to Wildlife

Hedgerow Cranes-bill is a favourite among pollinators, including bees and butterflies. The nectar-rich flowers provide a delicious treat for these essential insects, supporting them in their quest for food. As bees and butterflies visit the flowers, they unintentionally aid in the pollination process, helping nearby plants reproduce.

The dense foliage of Hedgerow Cranes-bill also offers shelter for small insects, contributing to overall biodiversity. Birds may find the insects around the plant appealing, making it a potential food source.

Conservation Status in the UK

As of the latest assessments, Hedgerow Cranes-bill is not considered a species of immediate concern in the United Kingdom. While it may not be in the spotlight for conservation efforts, understanding its role in supporting biodiversity is crucial. Conservation initiatives often focus on preserving the health of meadows and hedgerows, recognizing that native plants like Hedgerow Cranes-bill play a part in maintaining the balance of these environments.

By appreciating and preserving natural habitats where Hedgerow Cranes-bill thrives, we indirectly support the well-being of this and other plant species within these ecosystems.

Ease of Growing

For those interested in adding a splash of purple to their gardens, Hedgerow Cranes-bill is a fantastic choice. These wildflowers are easy to grow, making them suitable for gardeners of all levels. They can be grown from seeds in well-drained soil and appreciate regular watering, especially during dry spells.

Hedgerow Crane’s-bill’s adaptability to different light conditions, along with its low-maintenance requirements, makes it an excellent addition to gardens. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these vibrant wildflowers are sure to bring joy to your outdoor space.

Hedgerow Crane’s-bill is a delightful wildflower that adds a burst of colour to our natural landscapes. With its vibrant purple blooms, adaptability, and positive impact on wildlife, Hedgerow Crane’s-bill stands as a testament to the wonders of native plant species. Whether admired in the wild or cultivated in a garden, this wildflower invites us to appreciate the beauty and resilience of the natural world. Embrace the charm of Hedgerow Crane’s-bill and let your garden flourish with the elegance of this captivating wildflower.

More Information

Bug Woman London


Species From the Same Habitat

Angelica | Angelica sylvestris

Crosswort | Cruciata laevipes

Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea


Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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